I’ve been blogged!!!ing

..> …>

Hello world. I descided to write a blog about something. What should it be? I don’t know. I can’t talk about work, even though good stuff has been happening. I can say that it’s prompted a creative streak in me that seems to have lasted longer than other hobbylistic spells I’ve had. I’ve been teaching myself to notice features and mimic character drawings so I can start seeing what makes characters recodnizable. My main focus is to up my creative ability so I can make somewhat descent Flash animation. Who knows how long this intrest will last, I may never get around to producing the ideas I have. I can be rather flighty with this kind of thing; I think the only reason I’ve lasted so long with this is how multi-dementional and puzzeling paper drawing and object/vector modeling animation can be.

What else? I still have Caitlin, she’s on her bed reading LOTR for Tolkien class. I finished the Witch Hunter Robin anime yesterday, which I recomend. It’s one of the better drawn anime’s I’ve seen. Hmm… well dinner is about ready… thanks for reading!


Ground Hogs Day…

Yup, apparently it’s ground hogs day. It’s sunny out so the silly ferrit will most likely see it’s shadow and there-fore winter will go on for another while. Or however that shin-dig goes. I’m watching Ground Hogs Day tonight, non-the-less because it’s funny. And I haven’t seen it for a while. And it’s still ground hogs day at 7:30 tonight.

Anyway, not much to tell. I cleaned my room. I found a new way to download Anime… there’s a fantastic fact you may not have known. I’m nerdular enough to enjoy cartoons from a foregn land. Since I have cable now, I suddenly have 4 gigs and counting. I’m looking at new hard drives too, lol. mushi mushi?

Anywhoot, I’m heading down to Corvallis as of Saturday. I’ll drop by Monmouth on the way down to eat a dinner made by a certain friend who shall remain Erin. Then it’s off to play a lot of games untill I get sick of Jesse kicking my butt… which will probably be until Sunday night. Practicing for PDX LAN, get my skillz back if I can. I haven’t touched UT2k4 in over a month, I’m a little rusty. Ok, a little is an over statement. I’m a down right n00b.

I’m off to work again… it keeps all sneeking up on my and shtuff. Laterz