Yesterday… all my troubles seem so far away…now it looks as tho they’re here to stay…

Well, been a couple of days. I’m on book three of the book seriese I’m reading… I also am at level 10 in Morrowind. Something to be proud of, to be sure. I should get a raise for it, I think 😉

Hmm… sister came over yesterday. She and mom made stockings. I made pudding… we had spageti. It was a nice, relaxing day off.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. I almost died today. My car has this thing with the transmission where 4th gear doens’t work… rather than shifting to 4th it sifts to 1st. Anyway, I got out to get the mail today… without thinking I put the car into drive. All is fine until I get to the freeway. Bad times. Since 3rd comes before 4th, I’m going around 45 before it downshifts to 1st. So my transmission instantly over heats and locks up, which means my tires completely STOPED TURNING! I was in the second lane from the right, still not completely on the freeway of this particular on ramp, and since there was a staggering light before I got on there were no cars around me. Anyway, skidding to a stop from 45mph is no fun. Without rolling back tires you pretty much either just keep the car going the way it’s going… or spin. This didn’t occur to me as I instinktively turned right to get the heck off the road… AKA, spin we go! Amazingly I managed a 180 degree skid neatly parked on the right side of the road. I was facing oncomming traffic, but at least I was out of the way. I sat there for a couple minutes thinking about what to do… a few things popped in my head, none of them any good from the stand point of being broke and having expired tags. I turned the car back on put it in 3rd -the gear I’m supposed to use my car in- and hammered it. With a loud THUNK the transmission freed itself. I calmly turned the car around when traffic was gone… and here I am. Safe at work. 🙂

Pawn Moves On

I finished my book!! Oh Joy! Rapture! On to the next!! Four more books in this series, five more in it’s next… I have some reading ahead of me. I wanna make a movie out of these books. The characters are awsome. Maybe I should write the script when I’m through… send it to Peter Jackson. Or maybe just send it back to David Eddings to see what he thinks, since he IS the one that really counts. Authors should always be in charge of their own work. Like J.K. Rowling… they couldn’t really do that with LOTR since Tolkein’s dead(in body ;), but since it already had a HUGE following there were creative minds, artists and linguists that helped out. Such pooling in creativity is seriously lacking in most modern movies, I think. It’s a pitty, really.

There We Go

There, isn’t that better? That’ll do until I have my own page with 100% control of EVERYTHING… bwahaha

Anyway, last-day/night was a time filled with LOTR goodness. Jessi Sister, Lindsay, and Erin came over to watch the new and in blue Return of el King on a TV. A very good addition… much LOTR goodness. Not much to say… I’m not very talkative at the moment. I made pizza and PBJ tortia rolls(yuck! TO much jam!). Anyway, they went home after a time… and I was left to read my book.

Nothing particularily interesting happened today… work was work. I’m pretty into my book tho… I was up until 2 last night reading. I love these kinds of books. Fantasy set in Mid-Evil ages, with wizards and seemingly average people finding out they’re capable of un-imaginable things. In a way it makes me wonder if I was born in the wrong erra. If I were born back then what wuold I have been? Maybe a knight for a good-natured king… skilled with a blade and bow. Or a wanderer/adventurer sleeping out doors and helping people along the way with odd tasks in exchange for a bed and some food. Riding horses, which I’ve never done but would some day like to. Times seem simpler then… even though I know it probably wasn’t while in the moment. A romantisized view, the grass is always greener… that sort of thing. *sigh* I love books… they take me away from where I am while I’m waiting for time to pass around me. I doubt we’ll see a better time machine.

Well, Garion(main character in the book) is stuck mid-conversation, I should let him move on.