There We Go

There, isn’t that better? That’ll do until I have my own page with 100% control of EVERYTHING… bwahaha

Anyway, last-day/night was a time filled with LOTR goodness. Jessi Sister, Lindsay, and Erin came over to watch the new and in blue Return of el King on a TV. A very good addition… much LOTR goodness. Not much to say… I’m not very talkative at the moment. I made pizza and PBJ tortia rolls(yuck! TO much jam!). Anyway, they went home after a time… and I was left to read my book.

Nothing particularily interesting happened today… work was work. I’m pretty into my book tho… I was up until 2 last night reading. I love these kinds of books. Fantasy set in Mid-Evil ages, with wizards and seemingly average people finding out they’re capable of un-imaginable things. In a way it makes me wonder if I was born in the wrong erra. If I were born back then what wuold I have been? Maybe a knight for a good-natured king… skilled with a blade and bow. Or a wanderer/adventurer sleeping out doors and helping people along the way with odd tasks in exchange for a bed and some food. Riding horses, which I’ve never done but would some day like to. Times seem simpler then… even though I know it probably wasn’t while in the moment. A romantisized view, the grass is always greener… that sort of thing. *sigh* I love books… they take me away from where I am while I’m waiting for time to pass around me. I doubt we’ll see a better time machine.

Well, Garion(main character in the book) is stuck mid-conversation, I should let him move on.

Wierd Dreams While Sick

Yeah, I’ve got a sniffle and a sore throught. Why does it always seem to happen when I start a new job? It happened when I started at Home Depot.

I had a wierd dream last night too… I think it was actually episode II of a former dream I had not long ago… but I don’t remember that one much. It started out where I was in the place with trees, there was a random car and my dad’s Hyundai in a parking lot over yonder… and apparently it was at my dad’s house because I was afraid of waking him up by walking in the door. But he ended up calling me, he heard me stomping around but was too lazy to get out of bed or something. Anyway… I forgot what I had to say to him… I think it ended up just being “Hi, how’re things?” But apparently I was late for work, so I left in my Peugeot(I have this car in my dreams too, how depressing). I’m driving along… and there’s a train trax too the left of me… only I’m looking at me driving the car from the front… umm… something about the train made me think it was a good idea to ride my bike… so my mind did a cut scene and the car was gone and I was riding my old BMX bike…. THEN I realised I was going to be late to work, so I wished I had my car… I rode up to this big white building with Roman pillars and my car was inside… next scene, I’m riding and I see my ORC head master in the distance… he looked like one of the green guys tusky guys from Morrowind, not the LOTR orcs. Anyway, he said I was late and for this I was to wash dishes with sand. The funny thing about this orc, besides that he’s an orc, is that he usually speaks in riddles… very wierd, but since he’s in my head I know exacly what he’s talking about. The dishes turned out being these wooden objects that didn’t resimble forks, spoons or knifes… but apparently I didn’t think anything of this and started rubbing them against wet sand. As I did they changed color… interesting eh? Anyway… then the dream gets a little fuzzy, the main dude had a little chat with me, they showed my random funny looking flash cars… I was standing in front of a class teaching and something else happened… like I said… fuzzy. Very interesing, I actually enjoyed the dream… too bad I ended up waking from it and feeling like crap @ 4. Had a drink of water and went back to sleep and didn’t dream any more.

Anyway, time for work…