2011 Birthday BBQ

We had an unneeded extra hour to get things ready since everyone was late, so I spent the time goofing around with Linux.  When Amy arrived I lit the coals and eventually put the burgers and dogs on.  Leza, Evin and various other girly friends of Caitlin came along shortly after the meats were meet-able. Chatting with peeps off and on and somewhere in there I amused myself playing beach-ball tag with Lorelai.  Usually she tries to get the ball, I let her get the ball and as she runs away or runs back my way I tap it out of her hand and bat it around a bit playing like I’m keeping it away from her.  Repeat.

Food was good.  The cupcakes cakes Caitlin got were scrumptious.  Eventually people started trickling out. Caitlin and some others left at the same time.  She went to the American Idol concert, others I’m not sure.  Ashley and her kid-friend stayed around for a while playing some princess game show thing with Jenny.  Eventually the only people left were Evin, Kip, Jenny, Lore, and myself.

Had long talks/listens about various things with Kip and Evin; epistemology and relationship stuff are the topics that stand out to me.  With Jenny we chatted about the history of eastern philosophy, history of marijuana, as well as other stuff.

When Kip and Jenny took off Evin and I watched IP Man which was a fantastic movie.  I have a review in the works if you’re curious.  Took Evin home, put Lorelai to bed, and I dinked around with Linux stuff until Caitlin came home.

Good day to night

I wound up waking before the sun this morning. I had to deliver a PC that I reloaded for a company. They make DNA and RNA. I have no clue what they do with it; every angle I take in inquiry comes back insainly short and simple. “Testing.” “Manufacturing.” I asked them what DNA stands for, Dual something neucrilic acid. Something like that.

Me: “What does that mean?”
Blank stares… “DNA.”
Me: “Is it a chemical, or a load of chemicals… something like that? I mean if it’s acidic that usually implys chemicals to me..”
Indifferent shurg: “No not really… it’s just the four different parts that make up DNA into it’s helix.”
Me “But if it’s manufactured, what is it made of?”
Puzzlement at the question: “DNA.”

GAH!! Their lack of curiosity in what their company does is… sad. If I sound like a idiot, get annoyed at my incompitance and explain so I never annoy you again! One of them was even a Biology major, she’s the one who knew about the four little peices that are sequinced to make up a strand of DNA. I learned that in grade school! What the hell people?

————-Tangent End

I set up their computer with little trouble. Just a lot of waiting for loads and finding software hidden in strange places.

After there I went to another location to look at a printer. It was making a nasty grinding noise and it wouldn’t print. Turned out that the load mechanism went to the crapper. So I talked to the Dell guy and have em send a new one. No big deal.

Then I went back to the office to do some e-mails and pick up another computer to reload. I should start that tonight… but meh. I love this job. It’s hard sometimes, but only because I don’t know something. Then I get through it, learn it so the next time it runs across the problem it’s cake. Arr Matee!

Anyway, after work I was invited to go cloths shopping with Amy and her mom at Pioneer Ct.Hs.Sqr. I’ve been wanting out of the house all weekend. Cloths shopping with two women isn’t my ideal choice, obviously, but meh. Out is out and the girls were amusing company when I was trailing behind from store to store.

For a good portion of the time I wandered the mall. I started with this little shop that Amy said that her ex used to go there while she was in the clothing store. I walk in a little ways in bewilderment seeing nothing of any interest at all. I notice that two people were watching me curiously.

“Can I help you?”
“What does this place do?” I asked.
“Sell stuff,” one girl said.
I looked at her and waited.
“We sell calenders, day planners, and other conveniances for keeping a schedule,” she said in a uninterested manner.
“You’ve said that a few times,” I smiled.
She grinned and nodded, “I’ve worked here a while.”

I with the two girls about nothing in particular. It was mostly just light hearted small talk. Quite amusing. Poor girls put in such a dull place to work. They asked me to come back later if I was still bored. lol.

That sort of thing happened a few times tonight. Small talk with tellers and helpers. They welcome the distraction, and I enjoy the interaction and practice. It was actually very fun and educational for me. Cloths shopping with a neutral female friend isn’t so bad 🙂

I’ve gone mute. Memorys of the day have been overcome by thoughts of philosophy. My mom is watching the Crucible. I hate this movie, but it’s not the movies fault. It pisses me off because it shows the depths people can go in order to keep a scuff from apearing on their name. A person would condem an innocent in order to save their fall. It makes my mind scream, “Make it stop! PLEASE!” Maybe that’s why I hate Desperate Housewives so much. Every time I watched (3 times) at a friends house that kind of thing happened every episode. It comes off as a comedy while it completely FUCKS morality. I felt sick to my stomach. It makes me genuinly afraid that law and the fear of getting caught will eventually outweigh guilt and compassion.

I know that I’m no saint. I flip people off if I’m in a bad mood and they’re in my way. I can lie or leave things out, or put things in a better light. I show people that I’m happy even though I don’t feel so great inside. Sometimes I’m remorsful for what I do, sometimes I just don’t give a shit. I’m human. But, damn it, don’t make it alright to feel guilt. Feeling guilt isn’t a weakness that distracts us from our goal. It’s not there to hold us back. It’s there to make us think about what we’re doing to other people. And ourselves. What’s the right thing to do? What if everyone did this? What if you keep doing this to everyone else? Where do you draw the line?

….. I’m done spouting. I’m in a somber mood now. I’m going to bed.

Happenings n more

Busy weekend. Sat. I get of work hoping to goto a BBQ with old friend Rachel. She went to the beach and descided not to check her phone till she got back. Feeling looserish and set asside I watched Con Air on my computer while talking to Lindsay and AmyS online.

While talking to AmyS we found out that we we’re both loosers who don’t get out much. After talking we descided that Sunday night we would try to do something and that I would call good pal Jesse.

I call good pal Jesse the next day too see what he was up too. “Swimming with AmyII but I’ll see what Ben is doing so we can hang out later.”

AmyII is different from AmyS. AmyS is a girl Jesse and I met at Fry’s and Jesse persuaded to go out with him for a while. AmyII is a friend of Jesse’s and they just recently became infatuated with eachother… well… actually I think that Jesse is more infatuated in her than her him. But different grls express their feeling in different ways I guess… doesn’t matter really… me just being anilitical again… back to the happenings.

Later that day Jesse gives me a call and tells me the plan is all hunky dorry. I’m stuck as a talkative buffer between Ben and the occasion that Jesse and AmyII forget others are around. Leaves me in a perdicament with AmyS tho. That’s not really a situation where I think she’d have much fun. But I said I’d hang out that night. After some weighing and figuring I called AmyS and left a message saying to give me a call when she got off work and we could figure something out. This would give me a couple hours to hang with Jesse, and I wouldn’t ditch AmyS.

So I went to hang out with Jeese and company. Had a grand time of swimming in the Wilamette. Getting uckey slimey mud flung at me… playing with Tess, Jesse’s dog.

OH, the greatest point of the night. We were on AmyII’s dock eating while we rested. There was cheese, salomy and bread. Tess was begging like a dog, go figure. I took a peice of meat and her puppy eyes looked at me. Well, I go to tease the poor dog but slowly putting it in my mouth… then I just start sucking on it so she can still see it. AmyII says, “What are you doing, looking for a kiss?” That’s funny, I laughed. Then I threw the peice of salomy I had in my other hand at AmyII. Without really thinking about it, she deflected it right at Tess. Like a freaking Jedi the dog doesn’t even seem to take her eyes off me… she just tilts her head to the side and “CHOMP” caught the meat in her mouth. It was amazing!

We packed up down at the dock. We played frizzbee for a while… way fun with the poor dog running inbetween everyone… she was just walking after the f-bee in the end. She was exausted. Things went down hill and we started doing fighter poses and rolling around while throwing/catching the f-bee. After that we went up to Jesse’s house, had cheese cake and watched 4 episodes of Firefly.

AmyS didn’t call me back… she didn’t get the message until later. So I worked monday. Then we both had today off, so we went to OMSI and saw the spiffy magic show/displays. Had fun with that, OMSI is always a good place to kill time and have some laughs. Then we went to Charlie and the Chololete Factory. Interesing and strange movie. I liked it because of Depps char… very quotible and off the wall. It gets an ‘alright’ in my book.

AmyS and I parted ways and now I’m here… tired and ready to sleep. Good night.

Its a Trend!!

Looks like my sister has joined the LJ world. I guess her friend Erin has been here for a while, I just didn’t know about it.

Anyway… today is Sunday… I have today off. I like having days off, even though I rarely do anything with them. I’m tinkering with my webpage. Again. I swear… I’ll be able to post something one of these days.

Well, Friday night I went to a little shin-dig at Jessica and Linsdays appartment. Lindsay and Erin cooked a thanks giving dinner martha stewart style(more or less, the gravey that never happened is now a story of legend) and we had a feast on the floor of their living room. Fun times were happened by all, we drank(sparkling cider) and we were merry(an understatement for some). Batta-w00t!

Sunday night I went over to Jesse’s house… we started setting up his computer, never got to it because I found a guitar. We jammed until Amy S., not tickle fight Amy from Thanksgiving update, showed up. We went to see Blade Trinity… it was a good movie. I liked it better than any of the other Blade flix. Anyway, we went back to his house and ate, exchanged enuendos around the dinner table… three bananas were broken, squeezed to death and finally eaten. A yam was talked about in a ways I’m sure that yams are not accustomed. Then I went home and slept… I think I dreamed about work… how depressing.

Anyway, I’m bored with typing… I’m outta’ here