Rockin’ in the Medford Lands

I just got back from the land of Ford on Medication. Med. Ford. Get it? Har har!!… yeah, I’ve been in a bus for 6+ hours, give me a break. So sunday morning I was up bright and early and lindsay takes me to the bus station… we had about 20 minutes to get from lindsays house to there. Needless to say, we made it due to some superior navigating… and driving, of course 😉 Anyway, hugs from lindsay and made a brisk walk twards the door. The bus was already borded and the bus driver seemed suprised to see me. Two minutes after getting a seat in the rear (only two seats open on the bus). 7+ hours later I was in Medford (~2pm) and calling Justin to pick me up and tell him where the bus station was in a city I haven’t lived in for a million years.

So we drop off my stuff at Justin’s apartment and say hi to Sara; his GF of 3 years as of next month! WOW! Kitty grew! Yes, that’s the name of their cat, most of the time. We chilled… I had a couple *jingle*”Hot Pockets”*end jingle*. Watched a horribly edited version of the Matrix for a while. “Jeepers Creepers!”, “Shucks!”. The time came to goto Dougs(guitar/lyracist) before show #1.

Tangent: Justin is in a new band with a geeky sounding name, “Nothing Error”. The name in itself has some interesting implications, the more I think about it the more I like it. But what’s in a name? You may have heard of 3 Day Girlfriend last time I talked about Justin. They’re no more. Nucular Implosion; in other words the singer/lyricist face turned into two really big cheeks and whenever he talked poop came out. I wasn’t there of course, so I can neither conferm or deny.

UN-Tangent: Loaded up a van went to le’ show location(Grants Pass)… waited in a pub for 2 hours because of cunfusion and/or miscomunication and/or/most likely retartded planning on the part of ppl who are not us. We waiting most of that time for food. When it came there was a vat of frys. Enough for David(bass player) to plea me and Justin to mooch. We obliged, naturally. Shows start at the little coffee shop hole-in-da-wall. The room was small… crowd was smaller. Got a wall of noise blasted at me, I lost some hearing… we went home.

Next day wake up… go out n’ do stuff… poor w/nothing to do… went back to the appt. to play video games. Hi Sara on luch. Bye Sara on work. Watched Tenatious D video. Jack Black is freaking nuts. In a unusually cool way. I don’t know… I find the sick psycho extremely entertaining.

Anyhoot, Time to goto Dougs before show #2. Nothing Error was one of 5 bands to open for Presidents of the USA. Or POT USA, if you like. Kitty on my foot and I wanna touch it. Millions of peaches, peaches for me. Old man on the back porch… and that: Old man is meeee. Ring a bell? Kinda cool, I listened to these guys in high school. EARLY high school/late middle school… does this make me old? or them old? Either way, it was pretty cool to be able to sing along to such random and catchy lyrics. As fate/insanity/lack of logic/planning should have it, POT USA used Nothing Error’s equipment since they require just about everything to be there except for their few choice pieces. I.E. guitars and cymbles. I’m jumping ahead tho.

We got to the Roller Odessy at around 4. That’s when they were asked to be there for sound checks and shtuff you know? And yes. For those unMedfordites out there, that IS a roller skating rink. A damn old one from what I could tell. Anyway… I got a roady back stage pass thing. We take the stuff out of the van. We wait around for the stage ppl to get their shit together until about 6 or so. I see a theme going on here… two days… two concerts… there on time… lots of waiting around.

Damn this is long. Sum up. Nothing Error finally get a sound check. We also get shown our room with catering… a table of food and a cooler or beer/water. Ppl finally got let in, including Sara who I met outside to make sure she got in free. Nothing Error plays, they sound good. I went to bed with a couple of their riffs in my head. We spent most of the rest of the time in the room with other roadys and friends. Laughter and joy had by all. Booze by most as well. Finally POT USA get up there… rocked the crowd. Rocked Justin’s drum set. Gave him some sticks… signed some sticks. Heard about more insanity on the side of promotions there… lol. Amatures. Not that I could do better… I don’t try swimming in currents I have no chance of making it though.

Went home warn out and tired from new memorys. Good times. Met some new cool ppl. Went to bed around 1am. Got up at 5:30am… went to the bus station @ 6ish when the bus was supposed to be there. Waited until 7 for the bus to take on passengers. Then crazy bus driver making up time got me to portland by 12ish. Not bad! lol. Anyway… lindsay is here gotta go. See you next time internet junkys.

Holy Sunday Batman!!

It’s been a busy day. Woke up, with Lindsay. She spent the night, in an innocent way. FYI, we’ve been around eachother quite a bit over a few weeks without any inter-active melt-downs. We’ve had fun times, and I don’t just mean physically. She complained about how I was venting about her earlier on in my live journal, but I never say anything good. So there you have it, something a little more personal than I usually like to give 😉

Anyway, we went to breakfast with Justin and Sara. I had this great omlette. So good. Yummy. Then we took Lindsay back to the appartment so she could take her car back home… she had to work. The rest of us went in search of the place Justin’s band, Three Day GirlFriend, was going to play. It’s this little saloon in portland near burnside. Anyway, Justin wasn’t feeling so hot, so I dropped them off back at their hotel and went home to crash myself.

A couple of hours later Jessica and Luc came over for a little get-together. We had yummy ribs and watched Patch Adams. I love that movie. After dinner I went back to the saloon where Justin and the band were waiting to set up. I sat around and talked to Sara while Justin exerted nervous energy on the Astroids machine and a beer. They finally set up, sound tested and played.

Three Day GirlFriend is a metal like band… sort of… don’t know how to classify them. It consists of Justin: uber drummer, Josh: Vocals, Dan: Guitar 1, Carrey: Guitar 2, and P..aul?: Bass. I always have troubles remembering his name because I don’t talk to him much. Anyway, they sounded pretty good. I was a little disapointed though because the sound wasn’t mixed right(I think). I wasn’t able to hear the details in the guitar or bass parts. Most of the time it just hit you as a wall of chorded noise changing in sink. Some of their songs have rad, distinked riffs; but I could barely pick them out this time around. I also couldn’t really understand what Josh was singing… but I guess that’s normal.

Anyway, now my ears are ringing like mad, I’m tired, I’m going to bed. Peace out everybody.

Horray for old friends!

Justin is coming up today. He’s my best friend back from high school days in Medford. His band is playing a show in Portland at Ash Street Saloon. Friends need to turn 21 so they can come. Anyway, it’s always a blast when Justin and I get together. It’s like we just feed off each others crazy, wierd vibe. He’s sorta like me, plays ignorent most of the time because it’s a hella more fun than being mister smarty. Just like high school. w00t!

Umm… OH! I thought of the coolest idea for a case last night. Lindsay and I were talking about designing her a case a couple nights back. Didn’t think anything of it, but she seems all excited. Last night I was feeling bored with my case so I just took a note card and drew a motherboard on it, since that’s practicly what any case would be built around. I was looking at it… visualising, then I turned it on its side. Woah. That would be tight! You could put cords anywhere on the case. I’m still thinking about it a little now and then… i think I’m a genious tho.

P.S. I’m hungry

P.P.S.S. I’m going to go eat then fly to work in my new jet-pack.

Why? Because. That’s why ;Þ

I got back from Medford about 12:30 this morning. A whole lot got crammed in to the last three days, accumilativly it can be summed up by the phrase ‘Kick Ass!’ It would make for a long story, but I’ll just give the highlights. I was proud of myself for making it to Medford in around four hours, a pretty good run for not speeding, too much. Get to the apartment of my old friend of 7 years, Justin Bullen. Sara, Justin’s GF of 2 years, is the one there to greet me. I tried finding the practice pad for Justin’s band out in the boondox’s, but no luck. Wake up the next morning to Kitty attacking my foot with razer sharp claws. It was on then, I played with the cat for about an hour before Justin and Sara woke up, my hands are decorated with about a hundred nicks and cuts now. They havn’t named their 1 year old little black cat so they just call her Kitty, or stupid, or shit-head depending on their feelings for the cat while their talking to it.

That day was filled with the wanderings of old high school days. Getting in the car and driving before we actually descide. Driving around a block a few times, getting odd looks from the locals. We eventually ran a few errands for Sara, then went to see my other family at Justin’s parents house. Had some laughs, talked of times and caught up. Then we went to meet with our ol’ pal Muttly at Abby’s. I don’t know his real name, but he made one of the greatest pizza’s I’ve tasted, The Muttly Special. Invented by him, of course. Instead of traditional tomato paste pizza sauce he uses ranch. Yes, as in the salad dressing. Top that with three cheeses, chicken, and bacon… the most filling and wholy unhealthy pizza you’ll eat, but oh so good. But I didn’t feel my arterys clogging until Jusin and I took a shot of ranch from the dipping sauce cups. Ahhh, it’s nice being around friends you can connect with again*dabs at a tear*. After that Justin and I went to Guitar Center and jammed on various instriments.

Did a few other things that would take lots of past explaining to understand their signifigance. Eventually wound up back at the house waiting for the party to start. Justin and Sara called up some friends and bought some booze. Sum up is that one person showed up with his GF. I watched them get drunk while watching American Wedding then Justin passed out in the bed and everyone else went to sleep. One of these days I’ll probably just say, “f’ it” take Justin’s bottle of Jack and chug it and get drunk. Just one of those wierd things that some how got hard-wired into my head that I’m thinking about igoring because I want find out how bad of a mistake it would really be.

I’ll tell the next day in my next update, after a shower.