MMMmm… munchyness

Exactly one week was the last time I wrote. Oh well, so far that I know of I have an audince of two or three anyway. I’m just sitting here a half an hour before work and eating a quadruple decker peanut-butter and jelly eggo(yes the waffles) sandwitch. Hey, it was quick, easy and I love PBJ. Hmm… events… well, last monday was my day off and I spent the whole day playing UT2004 and BattleField Vietnam. Yah, lots of killing friends, curses, laughing at silly bots and I watched “They Were Soldures.” Wow, that was a good movie. It was emotional too, I can’t emagine what it’s like to be in a family with soldures. My cousin went to Iraq for a little while, but that’s still a little detached. I would hear about him here and there from grandparents or a cousin. But to be a brother or dad, or son, always worrying and wondering if they’re ok. That would be tough.

Anyway, we played until aobut 4:30 am(we started about noon the day before :p) then Jesse and Ben introduced me to Trogdor, and some of Strongbads other e-mails. We laughed, then we cryed when we realized that we had to work the next day… so with burning eyes, explosions behind our lids and twitching mouse fingers Ben and I slept on the floor with a blanket and pillow(each) near the computers while Jesse got to sleep in his comfy bed. It didn’t matter though, I was out in an instant.