It’s called moving up, but I’m moving out

That’s right. My mom and I are parting ways. We gave a notice to the apartment people a couple weeks ago. So we’ll be out in mid-October. I’m moving in with Jessi and Luke for a couple months. Once I get a two or three pay checks from my new job (they pay once a month) I should be able to get my own place. I’m pretty excited. Just wait and see what setup I’ll have for my computer/entertainment center/work station. I have something brand new and never seen 😉

In other news, I may be going out to watch a band in P-town somwhere. Rachel invited me last night, sounds like something to do. Anyway. Back to work…

Good Morning!

I think that cats are nocturnal creatures(duh)… and my sisters cat is extremely social. I must have woke up 10+ times last night because of that kitty. I’m luckey that I’m a light sleeper, the cats loud purr would always happen when she was thinking about bugging me. I woke with her on my pillow.

Despie last nights rompings, I’m in a very good mood. I got a call from one of my student loan ppl wondering when I could start payment… no big deal. Soon after that I got a call from Dish Network. I applied to a couple jobs in my panic the other day. They want my body 😉

StaR wARs Ep: III

Last night I joined Erin in the standing in line for Star Wars movie. I only waited for 4 hours tho cuz I’m a crazy working foo. Anyway… the movie was Freaking Awsome! It’s like Lucas put down his sfx toys and realised that ppl were dissing his last two movies. There are so many good things to say…. but I can’t say them all because I don’t want to spoil anything for ppl. I agree with Erin, as well as being Freaking Awsome; it was also sad, depressing, and slightly scary. I mean, we know the obvious. Ani becomes Vader and you know some disturbing things need to go down. Things lead up to where A New Hope can pick it back up again. I found it a little scarry hearing Palpatine and Vader using the same popular catch phrases as those under the current presidency… I’m not implying anything… I just noticed and it made me think a bit. “So this is how we loose our liberty… applause.”

The fight scenes were unique, thought out and very cool.

The scypt was well thought out too… I wont say more… even tho I want to. Just go see it. I’ll go with you! I think that even non-star wars fans may end up liking it too.

I’ve been away from the LJ for a while… not a whole lot new has happened. Really. Or maybe too much. Whatever. I may be back more. We’ll see 🙂