Oh Me Oh mY

Yeah, Jessi’s wedding thing went pretty good. My slide show thing turned into two slide show things, one looping on each of my monitors at the reception. A monitor for wedding/hunymoon/couple pix. Another for the Kid progression pix. Met friends and family from long past. All n all things went off without too much fuss. And it was fun. That’s the key.

Sunday I hung out with my dad and g-paw for most of the day. It WAS fathers day after all. Lindsay came along with me. She’s a nice girl you may have heard me talk about. What can I say, I’m rather fond of the girl. Jessi and Luc showed up part way in too. Ate steaks, played Uno. Went to Batman Begins, just lindsay and I.

OMG! Batman Begins! See it! Good! Yes yes… go you must.

Lindsay ended up staying through Monday and leaving on Tuesday(she came down on Friday). She’s in Medford now 😦 Teleporters. I’m telling you… there’s a huge market for teleporters… like from Star Trek… beem me to Medford please!

Umm… oh, I got an e-mail from Phil yesterday. Phil is my contact for that job that wants me to get certifications. He let me know what tests I need to pass… so I’m sorta swiching my focus there… but it’s basicly the same… only harder. I may just goto Borders every night until the books are read. Make some kind of routine for myself or something. I NEED TO MOVE ON! My current job is working on imploding I think… I’ll tell you more about that once I can conferm 🙂

I must go place now. There… over there. By the water despensing jug. *wink*

Horray for CAKE!


My computer is out of commission… in a good way… I’m supposidly getting my new memory tomorrow. I gave back the temporary memory because I need the money to register my car. That leaves me with my second computer sitting in it’s place in all of it’s crappy slowness. I couldn’t get it to work on the internet this morning either, hope I can fix that tonight… or I’ll end up bored. Or playing the piano.

Anyway… I saw a Lotus Elise today… wicked sick looking car. It’s so small too. I don’t think I could fit in it. But yeah… it was pretty.

Anyway… uhh… you rock. That’s all I have to say about that…


Yesterday I did a whole lot of nothing. Not as much nothing as Lindsay did… but pretty close. I did my taxes, obviously from my last post. I also did the laundry. My weekly excersize of taking three loads down and up per trip. I also went shopping for a couple food stuffs. Other than that I played Final Fantasy VII for about 8+ hours. I also poked around with my idea for a case… and played with the cat a little. Oh yeah… I got the first two pages of the FF7 song I’m learning on the piano memorised. Still not fluid… but that just takes practice. w00t! Piano is fun.

Anyway… my fellow employee is waiting patiently to get on this computer… so I’m off to mental never land while my body stays here to work.

Ground Hogs Day…

Yup, apparently it’s ground hogs day. It’s sunny out so the silly ferrit will most likely see it’s shadow and there-fore winter will go on for another while. Or however that shin-dig goes. I’m watching Ground Hogs Day tonight, non-the-less because it’s funny. And I haven’t seen it for a while. And it’s still ground hogs day at 7:30 tonight.

Anyway, not much to tell. I cleaned my room. I found a new way to download Anime… there’s a fantastic fact you may not have known. I’m nerdular enough to enjoy cartoons from a foregn land. Since I have cable now, I suddenly have 4 gigs and counting. I’m looking at new hard drives too, lol. mushi mushi?

Anywhoot, I’m heading down to Corvallis as of Saturday. I’ll drop by Monmouth on the way down to eat a dinner made by a certain friend who shall remain Erin. Then it’s off to play a lot of games untill I get sick of Jesse kicking my butt… which will probably be until Sunday night. Practicing for PDX LAN, get my skillz back if I can. I haven’t touched UT2k4 in over a month, I’m a little rusty. Ok, a little is an over statement. I’m a down right n00b.

I’m off to work again… it keeps all sneeking up on my and shtuff. Laterz


Well, I still can’t do anything to the site. WTF is taking so long? It’s been about 5 days now. Oh well, gives me a chance to read Te of Piglet. It’s the “companion book” to Tao of Pooh. Both are very good books. Anyway… nothing much else to tell. I work therefore I am. I guess I’ll update about the rest of my weekend since I have 15 minutes left for lunch and nothing better to do.

Saturday nightI got talked into heading to Monmouth at 10:30pm. Didn’t get there till like 11:15ish. Lindsay, Erin and I headed to the school loung/food/pool/huge TV with SNL on it room. We sat about for a good five minutes waiting for Erins friends to show their faces. They did show their faces, as well as their pajamas. So we all took turns poking the white ball with our givin’ sticks, trying to get other balls of various color to go into yonder hole. Erin didn’t play, she just watched. Because she was a pooper. I think we only played 3 games, no one but me wanted to play in the first place. So then we sat in the chairs next to the pool table talking to eachother. I got a little better aquainted with Erins friends-not not aquainted enough to remember their names. One was a happy girl who bought me a soda with her student card that I think her parents, or the government pay for. It was a nice gesture non-the-less, I enjoyed my 7up very much, thank you if you’re out there. She also told me about the land she’s from, over yonder hills and where it’s much colder than Monmouth was that perticular night. Erin’s friend number two talked about computer stuff more than an average girl usually does. She was entertaining as well. But alas, all must go our own ways… besides, Erin wasn’t feeling like herself. So we went back to Erins. Lindsay and I introduced her to a few known Flash cartoons. Then we went to bed. Erin in hers(even tho she said I could use her bed before I came… lier), Lindsay on the couch. Then there was me on the floor with two blankets, a pillow, and a very noisy space heater. In the morning Lindsay and I went home. I put a orange cone on Erins antena before departing.

Almost time to get back… LIGHTNING ROUND!! Went bowling with Dad, Jessi, and Luc. Then go pizza. Then go Pool. Then go home. Then go crazy! Work time! BYE!


Where do I begin. It’s been a while and a half since I even looked at this. Life’s been a little busy. I think what happened after the last update was my car, the POS Peugeot, it’s transmission locked up while I was driving. It just froze, right there in the middle of the road. Since it was locked up I couldn’t push it off of the road. It took two other guys stopping to help rock it out of its jam and then it ran perfectly fine. WTF?!

Two or three days later I tried to get a new car. I researched. I oogled at cars I couldn’t afford and eventually found a nice ’95 Nissan Altima in Salem for $3000. Applied for three loans, all three declined. Boom. Dead in the water. So much for that, eh?

Thanksgiving was fun. Got up to have breakfast with my father. He lives at his parents house(how wierd would that be?). So my sister and I stuck around until people started showing up for the feast. We ate some. Laughed alot… then head over home where mom made us more food. Three meals… I was stuffed to the brim.

Friday night went to Jesse’s to hang out with his peeps. They did lots of fun things. Watch Equilibrium. OMG! Awsome movie that I never heard of! I liked it enough to go out and buy it the next day.

Here’s the primis if you care: There’s a third world war, someone got it in their heads that emotion is the cause for these wars because it causes hate, greed, anger, so on. So in an effort to supress emotion they must also shun things that are good. Love, art, music, they wear gloves on their hands so as not to actually touch anything, they have white paper over their windows so they can’t see the sun rise or the city, they take this injected drug that supresses emotional extremetys. There are those the resist this movement; art lovers, feeling people of the world, hide away and are hunted down by the government like people with a deadly disease. The main character(s) of the movie are Clerics, a tranch coat toteing elite fighter for the government that can efficiantly, calmly without emotion, clear a room of resistance with martial art style gun slinging(at least as good as Matrix 1). Speaking of Matrix; Christian Bale’s performance made me realise how poorly Kianu Reeves expresses emotion. lol.

After the movie we sported some DDR action(I mainly watched), I had tickle fights with Amy, someone I’ve only talked to three times. Eventually people started to leave, those who stayed got our tetris on. I forget what else happened… but I was up until 5… I woke up at 8 the next day. Yeah… Monster energy drink is your friend.

Later THAT evening we went to see Alexander. Don’t do as we did. Horrible movie. I wont go into my reasons, don’t want to put too much of a negative vibe on someone looking forward to the flick. But yeah… I’m usually a very easy person to please when it comes to movies. I nearly walked out of this one. Three hours of almost complete nothing. The only saving grace is that Angelina Jolie(with a russian accent! wtf? lol) and Val Kilmer play pretty good roles. I liked their scenes the best out of the entire movie.

We went to Sheries and ate and talked and so on. Then people went their own way.

Sunday night we watched some Star Trek. Then Desprate House Wives came on… Jesse likes that show for some reason. I’d never seen it, so I thought I’d give it a chance. Sigh… I don’t understand what is appealing about the show, asside from some attractive middle aged women. Oh well, no harm done. Then we watched Star Gate… and finally did the tetris thing again. Very addictive, tetris. Who would think that such a simple game could keep us entertained for a whole 4 hours?

That’s all I’m saying for now… until next time.