Happy New Yeah!!

It is 2005, and I am so there! lol. Went to Luke’s house for new years eve. In case any one who reads my posts doesn’t know, my sister is engadged to this guy Luke. She was there too, obviously, as well as Lindsay and Lukes roomie Brendon. It wasn’t a very exciting time… we drank champaign and watched Dodge Ball, this one Garden movie with Natalie Portman and the dude from scrubs, and finally Collateral. In other words, it wasn’t unlike any other night… save for in between movies we watched the ball drop in Time Square… three house after it actually dropped, obviously. lol, I talked to my friend, Miki, the Eve of New years Eve and she was in the process of celebrating new years. Her family lives in Japan, so that’s where she is for the Christmas break.

Yesterday was rather fun. I didn’t do much the first half of the day… bought printer ink, bird seed and corn on el cob. I came back to play with my new game controller until Lindsay brought me back to the real world. We went to look at cars, cuz she wrecked hers 😉 She hates it when I say that. But it was fun… just going from used car lot to used car lot on 82nd-there’s like 3.8 million of them over there-avoiding car sales people who want to tell us their life story and mainly looking at cars. I need a new car too, remember?

Anyway, after that we went back to her house and ripped the lights off her christmas tree… all 9 strands of them! ONE TREE! Intricately wrapped around each and every little twig! At least I smell pine fresh now. Finally we headed over to Jess’s house-friend girl Jess-picked her up and went to see The Aviator. I liked the movie. I’d rarely even heard of Howard Hughs before this movie. What and interesting guy/story! It was wierd because he was a little crazy; by a little crazy I mean he would repeate the same thing 29 and a half times and he had that germ phobia. A good movie to see once, I think.

Battle at Pretzels

It’s almost christmas time… tonight there was a little party held at Jess/Heathers P.s house. Steve and Crystle were also there. It was rather fun. I’ve kinda isolated myself lately so it was good to hang out with people again. Apparently they were anxiously waiting for me before opening gifts, even tho I was too poor to even consider getting some for others. I may make up for that, but we’ll see. Anyway, it started off plesent. We started a video. I played with the dog for a while. Then war broke out… as with most wars there wasn’t really any purpose besides being the better. Tickeling fingers flung out from all directions, people were pinned and a little brused. It was a good bought. I came away unscaved. I got to know Heather and Crystle better too. Heather is ticklish under the thys… Crystol is tickelish most places. She’s one of those that flys just from anothers touch.

Anyway, can I complain about my car any more? No? Oh, ok. Then i wont mention that my brakes don’t stop the wheels. They slow them down… but it takes a good while to stop… *grumble* *grumble*

Good Morning Neva Land

Yesterday was a day at work. People came in, I helped them as best as I could, and people left. After work I went to see Incredibles with Jess. Not to be confused with Jessica or Jesse. Jessica is my sister. Jesse is a guy. Jess is Jessica that I call Jess because I know too many people with names that sound similar so any defination between them label-wise makes it easier for people to know who I’m talking about without haveing to explain it to them every time… just once. Hopefully. Anyway, The Incredibles was a very good movie, I thought. Action. Adventure. Charecters struggling with their family and who they are, and nice happy ending. I enjoyed the plot and found it all very well thought out, as I find Pixar movies normaly are. Jess wasn’t so impressed… but she tends to get a gut feeling in her persona and once it’s there it doesn’t like to stray. For this movie the baby wierded her out and that’s all she talks about even though it was 5 seconds of the hour and 45 minute movie.

Back to the plot thing, because it’s something to talk about. While watching Pirates of the Carribean I realised that what truely makes any form of entertainment great are the writers. Pirates is the most fun I’ve seen a movie since The Princess Bride. Those are the kinds of movies I see over and over. The ones that use cleaver and witty banter effortlessly as they interweave plots on top of plots. Mmm… nothing as tastey as a movie that intregues interest and makes you think, laugh, and go ohhh and ahh at the same time. 🙂