There We Go

There, isn’t that better? That’ll do until I have my own page with 100% control of EVERYTHING… bwahaha

Anyway, last-day/night was a time filled with LOTR goodness. Jessi Sister, Lindsay, and Erin came over to watch the new and in blue Return of el King on a TV. A very good addition… much LOTR goodness. Not much to say… I’m not very talkative at the moment. I made pizza and PBJ tortia rolls(yuck! TO much jam!). Anyway, they went home after a time… and I was left to read my book.

Nothing particularily interesting happened today… work was work. I’m pretty into my book tho… I was up until 2 last night reading. I love these kinds of books. Fantasy set in Mid-Evil ages, with wizards and seemingly average people finding out they’re capable of un-imaginable things. In a way it makes me wonder if I was born in the wrong erra. If I were born back then what wuold I have been? Maybe a knight for a good-natured king… skilled with a blade and bow. Or a wanderer/adventurer sleeping out doors and helping people along the way with odd tasks in exchange for a bed and some food. Riding horses, which I’ve never done but would some day like to. Times seem simpler then… even though I know it probably wasn’t while in the moment. A romantisized view, the grass is always greener… that sort of thing. *sigh* I love books… they take me away from where I am while I’m waiting for time to pass around me. I doubt we’ll see a better time machine.

Well, Garion(main character in the book) is stuck mid-conversation, I should let him move on.

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